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Chess may not be the easiest game to learn, but it is far from the most difficult. You have to learn the moves of the six pieces, where the piece with the least value, the Pawn, has the most complicated moves.
How to Play Chess

    Step 1: Setup, Turns, and Taking Pieces. Setup: ...
    Step 2: Pawn Movement. Pawns only move forward. ...
    Step 3: Rook. Rooks move in a continuous line forwards, backwards and side-to-side. ...
    Step 4: Knight. Knights are the only pieces that "jump" off the board. ...
    Step 5: Bishop. ...
    Step 6: Queen. ...
    Step 7: King. ...
    Step 8: Special Move: Castling.

Chess moves

King can move exactly one square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. ...
Queen can move any number of vacant squares diagonally, horizontally, or vertically.
Rook can move any number of vacant squares vertically or horizontally. ..Bishop can move any number of vacant squares in any diagonal direction.

When playing classic chess, you must anticipate your opponent's moves. This requires concentration, strategy, patience, and practice. In order to develop this skill, you can play solo chess. Instead of facing an opponent, you play against yourself in solo chess.


Chess online

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